about roseroma

I believe

in the restoring powers of pure plant extracts  for skin –

its integrity, overall health and resilience,

in the art of blending –

craft and style,  intuition and expertise,

in minimalism –  less but better,

in hands picking up roses, blending skin solutions,

in the magic of massage,

in simplicity,

in smelling roses along the way,

in living in this moment as we are not getting younger.

roseroma is me


healing and recovery


the intention is to keep your skin hydrated and give what it needs the most: healing and protection from the sun, wind and stress with just a few drops of pure and reviving plant nutrients –

meet your skin’s daily needs.

what the skin needs


I love artisans  who grow plants bio-dynamically in their natural habitat.

they preserve the plants’ vital properties such as anti-inflammatory, regenerating, protecting when they extract oils, then the oils deliver the essence of vitality to the skin.

I offer the refill bottles.

concentrate facial oil


precious Damask Rose oil has been used for hundreds of years to heal, tone and regenerate the skin.

hand crafted rose oil is effective in treating all skin conditions due to antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, and cell-regenerating qualities.

Rose’s enchanting scent shows therapeutic qualities in relieving depression and nervous tension.

read about composition.